Welcome 2021 – A Message from President & CEO, Tracey Hornbeck


Looking back to this time last year, we were in the office preparing for in-person meetings, events and presentations. Little did we know what was ahead for us in 2020. What a year! The last 12 months have been full of surprises and opportunities. Through the trials, sadness and loss, we’ve also been able to slow down, focus and put a spotlight on the power of coming together. And because of that, we’re ready for a strong and resilient 2021.

At Legacy Trust, we are proud of the work we did this past year. Together, we were able to cope and assist our clients and employees through an unprecedented pandemic. While the way we serviced our clients looked a bit different in 2020, for us, it was business as usual. Financial wellness is a critically important factor in the overall health and well-being of individuals. As we each faced the fears of COVID-19, individual health became the primary concern for people across the country. In our business, we worked hard to ensure our clients were prepared for financial success and wellness through these volatile times. Our hope is the planning we invested with clients allowed them to stay focused – and hopeful – during a year that constantly challenged us.

I am happy to share that 2020 was a great year for Legacy Trust and our clients. Thank you to our customers, colleagues and suppliers for your loyalty and support over the past twelve months. I recognize we would not be where we are without the contributions made by each and every one of you, and I am very appreciative of this… thank you.

Goodbye 2020, and welcome 2021! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!

Tracey Hornbeck
Legacy Trust – President & CEO