C-Connect: A New Online System for Clients


We are excited to announce a new online system for our clients. To keep pace with your expectations, Legacy Trust is offering a new web experience called C-Connect.

This web-based solution is designed with you in mind, to save time and provide easy access to your accounts.  C-Connect features easy-to-use navigation and is accessible from multiple devices, designed to accommodate your choice of device.  You can choose to access C-Connect through your personal computer, tablet or smartphone.

The C-Connect homepage provides a snapshot of your accounts including information such as market value, asset allocation, and recent transactions.  If you desire more information you can easily navigate to other pages to view account summaries, holding details, transaction details, and online statements and tax information.

C-Connect provides real time access to your information 24 hours a day, in a secure environment.  Other features include a “My Favorites” page to easily access your accounts, and Print and Export capabilities.

C-Connect will go live on August 1, 2015, and will replace the current online system Strataweb.

Client login for C-Connect will still be available through the LegacyGR.com website.  You will use your current Strataweb username and password when you enter the new system C-Connect. For security purposes, you will need to go through multi-factor authentication compliance process.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Randii Smith, Compliance and Tax Coordinator, at 616-588-6893 or rsmith@legacygr.com.