Category: Perspectives

  • The Pitfalls of Personal Property

    The Pitfalls of Personal Property

    Having settled many an estate over the years, there is one thing all the dearly departed have in common. They all died with tangible personal property. Another commonality, their personal property was… Read More

  • The 2025 Budget Proposal

    The 2025 Budget Proposal

    Developing a plan around taxes is a critical component to financial success. However, things become increasingly complicated as politics enter the picture, and both sides of the aisle push for their preferred… Read More

  • Why You Need To Update Your Estate Plan

    Why You Need To Update Your Estate Plan

    In 2003, Jon and Stefanie Booker were living the life of their dreams. In their mid-30s, Jon worked as a production manager for a manufacturing firm, while Stefanie repped for a major… Read More

  • The Power to Act

    The Power to Act

    After years of training and planning, you’re doing it, climbing Everest.  Your oxygen deprived lungs are permeated by -280C temperatures while an unrelenting 30 mph wind whips down the South Col.  As… Read More

  • Thinking of Retiring Early? Here are Five Wealth Management Tips You Need to Consider

    Thinking of Retiring Early?  Here are Five Wealth Management Tips You Need to Consider

    Studies show that most Americans say they hope to retire at age 62, even though the age in which you can receive full Social Security benefits from the federal government is 66… Read More

  • Claiming Social Security – Part II

    In my most recent blog post, I gave a brief overview of the beginnings of Social Security and some factors that affect the decision of when to claim.  The key factors that… Read More

  • Secure Act 2.0

    Secure Act 2.0

    On March 29, 2022, the United States House of Representatives passed the Secure Act 2.0 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The bill expands on the retirement savings reforms that came with the original… Read More

  • Do Stock Markets Fall when Interest Rates Rise?

     1. On Wednesday March 16th, the Fed announced its long-expected rate liftoff, hiking by the expected 25bp and lifting the Fed Funds Target Rate lower bound off zero for the first time… Read More

  • Five Questions About – Inflation, Interest Rates and Investing

    Five Questions About – Inflation, Interest Rates and Investing The Federal Reserve just announced a 50 basis point hike – the second increase since mid-March. The move is designed to slow the… Read More

  • Personal Identity Theft

    Personal Identity Theft Cybersecurity can have many implications on consumers and ranking among the top is Identity Theft.  The news covers the big hacks, involving ransomware, millions in damages, and huge numbers… Read More