Category: Perspectives

  • Welcome to LaughFest 2014

    Gilda’s LaughFest (March 6-16, 2014) will kick off its fourth annual event with the most ambitious line-up of comedy talent yet.  Some familiar names will join with newcomers to bring a large… Read More

  • Social Security and the Time Value of Money

    There are few decisions at retirement more difficult than choosing the right strategy for collecting Social Security retirement benefits.  No matter their level of wealth, most of my clients start with a… Read More

  • A journey through today’s global economy

    At Legacy Trust, we often talk with our clients about the importance of a global perspective when it comes to their portfolios.  New economies continue to emerge and develop and technology has… Read More

  • Welcome to our new Website

    Welcome to the Legacy Trust website. The launch of this new website coincides with the 10 year anniversary of Legacy Trust. For those who have frequented our website over the past five… Read More