Giving Back


We believe in giving back to our local community. As a business, we recognize we have a social responsibility to support non-profit organizations in West Michigan. Our contributions and volunteer efforts help create stronger, healthier places for West Michiganders to live and work.

Our Legacy Trust Charitable Giving Program aims to actively engage local organizations by providing leadership, financial contributions, in-kind services and volunteer support. In keeping with our corporate mission and values, we aim to strengthen our bond with the community and address the needs of the people who are the most vulnerable.

One of the areas we feel is important to support is the work of community partners who strive to meet critical housing needs of those less fortunate. We are proud to partner with Family Promise as they pursue their goal of ending homelessness one family at a time.

056_PFD7295This Christmas season we donated items to the 4th Annual Christmas Store at Family Promise, an event that allows families the chance to pick out Christmas gifts for their children. The evening is filled with Christmas crafts, cookie decorating, and a homemade Christmas-style meal for the families.

gifts-2As a team, Legacy Trust donated 101 stockings and a large assortment of stocking stuffers and other gifts. We are pleased to be able to say we had 100% participation from team members at Legacy Trust. Toys of all age ranges are available at the store, along with household items and gift cards, so that families can purchase items for their kids and kids can purchase items for their families.

Giving back to the community is something near and dear to our hearts. Please join us in giving back to the West Michigan community, whether it is by providing leadership, financial contributions, in-kind services, or volunteer support. When we all pitch in, we continue to make West Michigan an amazing place to live and work.