Welcome to our new Website


Welcome to the Legacy Trust website. The launch of this new website coincides with the 10 year anniversary of Legacy Trust. For those who have frequented our website over the past five years, you may have noted the winter image of the skier’s victory pose atop the snowy mountaintop. Given the extraordinary winter we have experienced, I find it appropriate to now be casting this image aside and replacing with new indoor images that represent the quality of our company and service team.
We had three objectives when setting out to redesign the site.

  1. Create a means to demonstrate the depth of knowledge of our team
  2. Appropriately reflect the brand, personality and culture of our firm
  3. Be downright innovative – breaking away from the uniform formats and bland content found on most advisor websites.

The site has been built with responsive design, automatically adjusting its presentation to your browser, whether it’s on a smartphone, tablet or laptop. We want it to be easy for you to connect with us, even when you’re on the go.

I can’t help but put in a plug for the firm that designed our site. The crackerjack team at Highland Group has done an outstanding job of understanding the underlying dynamics of our industry, our unique business model and the important cultural attributes of Legacy Trust.

We are launching a blog to showcase our perspectives, company news and community involvement. I invite you to visit our blog on a regular basis to gain insight from our team members on a host of investment, fiduciary and wealth planning topics. Once a week, you can expect timely market commentary or interesting insights into wealth planning strategies.

In keeping with our commitment to giving back to the community, the Legacy Trust team has pledged to volunteer at least 150 hours over the course of our 10th anniversary year. On the blog, you will be able to follow the progress of our signature Legacy Trust Award Collection, our annual art competition open to adult artists with disabilities. In addition, you will likely find us posting our many volunteer engagements with non-profit organizations like the Grand Rapids Symphony, Kids Food Basket, Ronald McDonald House of West Michigan, Gilda’s Club and Family Promise. An additional community service will be the inclusion of a monthly blog highlighting some of the best hamburgers our staff has discovered throughout West Michigan.

Yes, hamburgers.

I invite you to share your impressions of the website or feedback on any future commentary posted on our blog by emailing me. And yes, suggestions on great hamburger joints for us to visit are always welcome.